
Showing posts from June, 2021

Drug Development: Challenge is Big, Returns Are Bigger

  Health and Healing Good health is indeed a boon and requires constant monitoring by developing good habits and following a relaxed routine. But do we give priority to our health needs? What comes to our rescue when in trouble? The undisputed answer is “medicines”, which are just prescriptions away. Now the question is what if we suffer from a disease which has no definite treatment or whose treatment is extremely expensive or the available drugs have poor efficacy and safety? Thus, arises a need for developing a new medicine which can protect us from such diseases, provide relief and that is pocket-friendly. This is achieved a specialized discipline called  ‘CLINICAL RESEARCH’  which focuses on innovating, developing and turning new molecules into therapeutic drugs. This process of drug development is unique as it involves testing of new drugs on Human subjects before getting entry into the market.   Uncompromising Skills How can we conduct experiments on human beings? Is it ethical

Cultivate the Winning Attitude!

  A dream career for aspirants is well within reach, provided they develop the knack of optimism and hard work. For instance, a career in say  ‘ clinical research ’  most essentially requires the hard and soft skills that are provided through effective training programs. However, in addition to the above, a  ‘ positive attitude ’  is like a feather in the cap to have an edge in this competitive world. Job interviews are those short but very crucial hours, where your performance determines the outcome. Along with being well-prepared, your positive frame of mind, helps you beat the blues of anxiety and perform with confidence! This reminds me of an anecdote on positive thinking that was told to us by a successful veteran from the field of clinical research: Once a tender was issued by a government to various contractors for building a tunnel connecting two important places. The stretch of the tunnel was to be nearly45 km and many contractors offered their bid. The company that offered th

Budding Dentists Can Launch a Jump-Start Career With ‘Clinical Research’!

  Dentistry is an inevitable and essential discipline of medical care. Every individual would require the assistance of a dentist at some point of time. In the current scenario of the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic, fear of viral transmission has been a major challenge for dental practitioners. The professional future of dentists though findsits silver lining in the field of ‘clinical research.’ ‘BDS or Bachelor of Dental Surgery’ is one among popular professional degree courses in India. It covers a vast array of topics that include orthodontics, periodontics, endodontics, prosthodontics, pediatric & geriatric dentistry, oral and maxillofacial surgery, and dental implants to name a few. In recent times, awareness of the quality of life has increased the scope of dentistry in yet another discipline called, ‘Clinical Dental Research.’ This discipline requires knowledge in clinical research to determine the safety and effectiveness of medications, devices, diagnostic products, and trea

Clinical Research’: The Pillar of Health-Care

  A strong health care system is essentially like a boat that lets a nation sail through the sea of today’s dynamic world. It is no surprise hence that a sudden threat to healthcare can throw us all off-balance! This is evident with the COVID-19 pandemic that has shaken us in possibly every sector! ‘Clinical Research’, is an emerging and promising component of medical and health science, that intends to promote both the knowledge of human diseases and good health.  Clinical research  provides a beam of hope for those willing to try new therapies and at the same time, opens tremendous career opportunities that accommodate people with a wide range of academic qualifications. ‘Clinical trials’ are an integral and valuable component of any research. They involve human subjects (healthy and diseased) to help determine the safety and effectiveness of medicines, healthcare devices, and diagnostic products. They also hold the key to unlocking the quick release of effective vaccines! The sponso